We use Cookies when you visit our site in order to improve site functionality and navigation. Below is how and why we use cookies, though please know that you have the ability to delete any cookies that are stored on your computer at any time. If you are not familiar with how to delete cookies, the “help" section in your web browser may provide instructions that can help.

Cookies are used to improve site functionality and features we've designed to help you shop more efficiently upon return visits, or they can provide us with site analytics that help us improve site navigation. For example, you can save items for later that you added to your shopping cart, but were not yet ready to buy. We can also know which items are being clicked on so that we can show more or less of an item based on analytics cookies help us track.

There are also customer preference cookies that will help remember things like your location or preferred currency, which helps us show you more relevant products or content.

We also attempt to measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns through targeting or advertising cookies.

By using our site, you agree to us placing cookies on your device and accessing them when you visit the site when you come back to us.